Cutting Self-Checkout Shrink with Advanced Technology

Self-checkout may seem like the latest and greatest technology to hit retail floors in the 21st century,however, the mushrooming challenges of self-checkout shrink haveretailers like Target and Walmart reconsidering its use, either removing it entirely from...

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Transforming Returns into Opportunities: 5 Steps to Implementing a Dynamic Retail Incentive Program

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Navigating 'Good' vs. 'Bad' Customers for Returns Fraud Prevention in Retail

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Omnichannel Returns: What Your P&L Can’t Ignore

You may have noticed that your consumers tend to initiate returns after their online purchases more frequently than after their in-store shopping. On average, returns for ecommerce transactions are two to three times more likely than purchases made in....

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5 Ways Siloed Shopper Data Complicates Your Sales and Return Transactions

Shoppers typically think of a retailer’s ecommerce site and brick-and-mortar location as extensions of the same store. They may shop through a single channel or buy-online-pickup-in-store (BOPIS) or buy-online-return-in-store (BORIS). Regardless, they expect....

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Insights from the Journey of a Returned Package

Retailers and consumers often think of the return process as straightforward. However, many unexpected roadblocks (both literal and figurative) can arise that affect both the retailer and the shopper. And research shows the financial impact of these....

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Meet BORIS & BOPIS, Your Consumer’s New Best Friends

In the long and winding history of ecommerce – from CompuServe’s founding in 1969 to Amazon selling its first book online (remember that?) in 1995 to Apple Pay’s introduction in 2014 – nothing made as instant of an impact as COVID-19 in 2020.While ecommerce....

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How to Inspire Shopper Loyalty During the Returns Process

Think ahead to January. While the holiday decorations are still decking your store aisles, the post-holiday return scene at retail stores of all sizes can be even busier than the pre-holiday weeks. And the atmosphere is different as consumers are hyper....

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Reducing the Financial Impact of Holiday Returns on Profitability

From a financial perspective, every holiday season has its own twist – but two things are a given: retail yearly profits depend on solid holiday season sales, and consumers will be returning items after the holidays.

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Simplifying Holiday Ecommerce Returns

Ecommerce shoppers developed new habits over the last year – from curbside pickup, increased online shopping, virtual fitting rooms, in-store returns, and more. It is reasonable to expect consumers to employ these skills when gift shopping this holiday....

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A Day in the Life of the Return Counter

The Return Counter is often the keystone to a consumer’s experience with your retail locations. It’s the proverbial fork in the road along the shopping journey, where one path leads to satisfaction and the other to frustration. It’s also where smart retailers....

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Foiling Holiday Cash-Back Scams

How can a candy bar purchase cost a retailer hundreds? It could be happening in your stores right now if you offer cash back with a debit card purchase. A particular cash-back scam crops up this time of year as the holiday shopping frenzy kicks into high....

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How to Turn Returns into a Rewarding Consumer Experience

The bond between retailers and their “best” consumers has been put to the test over the past few years. As the COVID-19 pandemic shifted shopping online and shuffled behaviors, it brought forth new demands on retailers to maintain existing relationships,....

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How to Handle the Pressure of Today’s Omnichannel Retail Landscape

2020 changed everything, and 2021 continues to bring us new learning. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the retail industry in ways still to be determined, but one thing we know for sure is that the way retailers do business – and how consumers shop – has....

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Why Rising Returns Can Be Good for Your Business

For decades, returns have been considered a cost of doing business. As a retailer you sell a product. Consumers buy that product and some of them return it. And your business absorbs the cost. Over time, and across thousands of shoppers, those costs add up....

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