Cutting Self-Checkout Shrink with Advanced Technology

Self-checkout may seem like the latest and greatest technology to hit retail floors in the 21st century,however, the mushrooming challenges of self-checkout shrink haveretailers like Target and Walmart reconsidering its use, either removing it entirely from....

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Transforming Returns into Opportunities: 5 Steps to Implementing a Dynamic Retail Incentive Program

If you still consider returns simply a cost of doing business, it's time to rethink your strategy—particularly for returns from your ecommerce sales. Returns that don't offer a retail incentive beyond a refund are a forgotten consumer convenience that does....

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Navigating 'Good' vs. 'Bad' Customers for Returns Fraud Prevention in Retail

Fraud in the retail industry is a growing concern, in part because bad actors have become increasingly sophisticated. In the era of online shopping, fraud can occur at any stage of the customer journey, making it difficult for retailers to protect their....

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